When you think about the amount of keys that you use throughout your life it is probably a lot. You use a key for your car, a key for your house, a key for your office. You might have a key to a safe or a key to the mailbox. All of these keys change as you move or get a new car. There are moments when the key may come up missing or a key needs to be duplicated. This can be because you have a new driver or you need to leave a spare key with a family member. When you need a key made do you know what the process is and what it takes to have one made? The Lock Doc has a run-down of what it takes to make a key.
Unique Locks
Locks are unique and each one is made so that a key that is cute precisely the right way will unlock it. When a key that fits is inserted into the locking mechanism it will connect with the lock and engage it. This will then lock or unlock it and allow what it is attached to remain secure or be able to be opened. When you lose a key or you need a duplicate made it has to be done with expert precision.
How a Key is Made
First a key size is chosen so that when the final product is done it will fit the lock that it is intended for. The key is made of metal and can be cut to size. The proper equipment is needed to make sure that the key is cut correctly. If the key cut is off by the slightest amount, it will not work. Nothing is worse than getting a key cut and getting home only to find out that it doesn’t work. When you hire a locksmith to cut a key you want to be sure that they are experienced and have the right tools and equipment to cut it right the first time.
Expert Keys Cut & Other Locksmith Services in South Miami, Coral Gables, Hialeah & Miami FL
The Lock Doc has the ability to expertly cut and replace any key that you may lose or need to have replaced. Call us today for your locksmith needs, we are able to come to you and help with a lockout from your car or your home.